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Dr Abraham ADEWUMIDr. Abraham Adebayo ADEWUMI
Ag. Dean

Welcome to Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management. If you have always respected the environment, the trees, fish and wildlife that call it home as well as exploring the possibility of an education in the field of natural resources. We are excited about the chance for you to pursue a career in habitat preservation, and it begins with the Renewable Resources Management Program.

The Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, through offerings in the Departments of Fish and Aquatic Resources Management, Forest Resources Management and Wildlife and Ecotourism management provides an integrated education in renewable natural resource management, conservation, and utilization as well as a valuable perspective for understanding and solving critical contemporary environmental problems at local, regional, and global scales.

All undergraduate programmes of this Faculty are designed to provide a professional education that starts with core courses emphasizing physical, biological, and social sciences, along with concepts of renewable natural resource management. The principles and practices of specific disciplines are taught through more advanced courses, as well as advanced skills in communication and computer useage. Students are prepared to become professionals and pursue careers in public and private agencies that manage forests, water, wildlife, fish and recreation resources. As well as with firms concerned with producing, manufacturing, and marketing wood products; with planning agencies and private firms utilizing skills in environmental and land-use analysis and geospatial techniques; or for graduate studies.

Within the three departments in FRNRM, we offer three undergraduate degrees, as well as academic and professional masters programs and two doctoral programs; all with options (graduate programs) aimed to meet the career goals and aspirations of individuals who desire to work in a variety of jobs. The solid curriculum backed by outstanding research in our degree progrmmes prepares students for a successful career. Our standard is to be unwaveringly committed to grooming outstanding academic talents. Faculty members are easily accessed due to our student-to-lecturer ration and open-door policy

FRNRM emphasizes the importance of participating in industrial trainings/relevant entrepreneurial programs to gain practical experience while our students are pursuing their education. More in-depth information on undergraduate and graduate programs can be found on the departmental and Graduate School web pages and prospectus respectively. 

For further inquiries, assistance, or information, students and others are encouraged to visit or contact the Deans Office

Once again, you are welcome to the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management


The faculty is in the College of Agriculture located in Ejigbo. The town is located along the border between Oyo and Osun State. The College currently have two Faculties and six (6) Departments with students admitted into their programmes.

Brief History of the Faculty

The faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management was established in 2019 from the default Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Management which was running two programmes (B. Fisheries and Aquaculture and B. Wildlife Management). The formation of Departments of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management, and Wildlife and Ecotourism Management in 2018 gave birth to this new faculty from the College of Agriculture with addition of the departments of Forest production and products, and Social and Environmental Forestry. However, the two departments in forestry were later merged as one to become the Department of Forestry, thus making the faculty to have only three departments for now. A permanent and newly equipped building facility containing the departmental offices, classrooms and a lecture theatre was provided for the faculty and was occupied in 2022 when it was used for the National University Commission accreditation exercise for the Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management and Wildlife and Ecotourism Management Departments in December, 2022. The faculty presently has 13 academic staff comprising of 1 Professor, 3 Senior Lecturers, 3 Lecturer 1, 5 Lecturer II, and 1 Graduate Assistant. In addition, faculty has 6 non-teaching staff and 2 support staff. The faculty is endowed with a fish farm and apiary which are being used to train the students. The forest plantation is also being made for the students in forestry for their practical, since the mission of this faculty is to produce well experienced and dedicated students who are able to compete with their peers from other universities and outside world. Wellequipped laboratories and other research or training facilities for the students and academic staff are available for quality research studies. The quest to make the faculty appropriately staffed, the University management is in the process of staff recruitment for the departments in the faculty, especially the newly created department of forestry which is also due for accreditation this year, 2023.

 Academic Programmes

The Bachelor’s degree programmes in the faculty includes

  • The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management
  • Forestry Resources Management
  • Wildlife and Ecotourism Management

Vision of the Faculty

To produce graduates who are trained to natural resources and their environment for sustainability to ensure secured livelihood for the present and future generation graduate through high quality teaching, learning and research experience scholars, researchers and professionals in academics, capable of having impact on their environment and could exploit the potentials in the wildlife resources for their economic benefits. 

Mission of the College

Our mission is to create a unique Department committed to the pursuit of academic innovation, skill-based training in Natural Resources Management, a tradition of excellence in teaching, research and community service and to produce experts in Wildlife and Ecotourism Management that are relevant, highly employable and can create employment in the society.

Physical Development

The Faculty have adequate facilities for the training of the students in the various aspects of the three programme. This includes forestry…………….; fish recirculatory system, ponds, concrete tanks, feed mill and wildlife domestication units

Research Activities

Basic and applied research in fisheries, forestry, Geospatial analysis, wildlife and biodiversity conservation is embarked upon by members of academic staff in the faculty. 

Research facilities being developed include:

Tree nursery

Tree sample plots

On station demonstration

Teaching and research laboratory

Teaching and research laboratory complex

Information and communication technology (ICT)

College and departmental libraries


Grants and Awards:

Adewumi A A 2014. TetFund Research Grant intervention programme.  Grant No: UNIOSUN/TETFund/14/0021. Preliminary Evaluation of Ostrich Husbandry in Osun State

Community Empowerment Service Project:

The Faculty in collaboration with the three departments engaged in the awareness of tree planting neighboring communities in Osun State.

Get In Touch

For enquiries on admissions, please contact

  • Address: Room 228, Admission Office, 
    Administrative building, 
    Osun State University,
    Main Campus, Osogbo, Osun State.
  • Tel: 08107976419 (9am - 4pm WAT, Mon - Fri)
  • Email:
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